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Experienced Sexual Harassment Attorneys In California

Experienced Sexual Harassment Attorneys In California

Millions of Californians go to their various jobs daily to be able to put food on the table and take care of other financial needs. However, it is unbearable to go to work with fear because somebody has been discriminating against or sexually harassing you. Worse still, the unthinkable can happen—you may be sexually assaulted at the workplace. If any of this is happening or has happened, you may feel powerless and too angry to take action regarding the situation. However, understand this: it need not be this way.

California has strict, clear laws concerning sexual harassment, which continue to evolve. These laws safeguard employees from illegal sexual harassment contingent on their gender identity or gender by employers, customers, co-workers, or the employers’ vendors. Some statutes that were effected in 2019 include SB (Senate Bill) 1300, which broadened the definition of sexual harassment. According to Senate Bill 1300, one occurrence is sufficient to sue the guilty party for sexual harassment if that incident leads to a hostile work environment.

You need not endure sexual harassment. At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we boast experienced lawyers who have successfully tackled sexual harassment and discrimination cases for decades. We are devoted to ensuring employees' right to a secure, harassment-free workplace environment is not violated. When these rights are violated and employees become targeted for sexual harassment or discrimination, the effect can be intense, usually creating an intolerable and abusive working environment for the victims.

Suing the perpetrator could be the only ideal way for the victims to finally obtain justice, regain their lives, and make sure the perpetrator does not make others undergo similar harassment ever again. You can reach us today at 800-905-1856 for a complimentary, confidential consultation. We can assist you in obtaining justice and restoring your power. Know that we are here for you at this stressful and difficult time.

Why Choose Us?

At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we are skilled attorneys in California dealing with sexual harassment and discrimination cases in the workplace. We know how devastating a sexual harassment incident can be. Employees deserve a secure workplace, church, school, or home environment. If a clergy member, professor, home provider, or supervisor harassed or discriminated against you, they have committed illegal conduct.

Still, denouncing a harasser can be difficult, and understandably so, particularly if the person holds a powerful position. Luckily, we have devoted our practice to bringing culprits to justice and obtaining damages for those they have hurt. We have been in practice for many years, successfully pursuing thousands of cases against perpetrators and winning significant compensation on behalf of the victims.

Usually, in matters related to sexual harassment, it is the victim's word against the perpetrator. We are not scared to accept difficult-to-prove cases. Instead, we take pride in our high-level expertise in intricate cases. When it is time to obtain justice for being sexually harassed or discriminated against, do not hesitate to call us at 800-905-1856.

Our knowledgeable lawyers will attend to you with compassion while working to build a compelling case against your perpetrator. We offer meticulous case preparation, relentless and tenacious representation, and highly compassionate and individualized service.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

The U.S. EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) defines sexual harassment as unwelcome requests for sexual favors, sexual advances, or other physical or verbal sexual behavior that implicitly or explicitly affects a person's employment. This description includes any form of sexual harassment, irrespective of gender. Sexual harassment is categorized into two categories:

  • Quid pro quo sexual harassment—the term quid pro quo is Latin, meaning “this for that.” It is when a co-worker or supervisor offers an enticing work action, like a promotion or salary increase, in exchange for sexual favors. It could additionally mean threats of negative work-related action, like being terminated, if the worker does not agree to a sexual proposition, whether from a colleague or supervisor. This kind of sexual harassment can be openly threatening or subtle.
  • Hostile work environment—this is when an employer permits unwelcome, common, and severe sexual conduct from one or several employees, impacting the capability of other workers to do their duties at that workplace.

Even though sexual harassment takes many forms, all victims feel violated, almost as though they had been raped. A sexual harassment victim, particularly at a place of work, can usually struggle with destructive emotions like low self-esteem, anger, concerns regarding a demotion or poor performance review, or fear of losing their employment. The situation can particularly worsen if the harasser is the employee’s senior. However, do not lose hope if you are in this situation—you can take timely and appropriate legal action against the perpetrator with help from an experienced sexual harassment lawyer.

At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we can assist you in understanding your legal positions and determining ideal steps to pursue justice. Apart from sexual harassment cases, we also handle discrimination in the workplace. If you have been discriminated against in your place of work based on race, gender, age, religion, pregnancy, disability, or any other grounds, do not hesitate to contact us at 800-905-1856. Our clients range from senior scientists and engineers to C-suite executives and professors.

When Can You File a Claim?

Most people ask when they can file a claim if they face sexual harassment or discrimination at the workplace. Sometimes, it is not time to file a claim if you face harassment. If a colleague is sexually harassing you but you have yet to notify your employer, then you may not yet bring a case.

California law states that employers are not automatically accountable for employee harassment unless the perpetrator holds a supervisory position. If the party harassing you is a colleague, you must inform your employer in writing. Do not just speak to the employer regarding the harassment. Also, include a written notice, like a text message or email, and keep a copy.

Unluckily, some employers claim they have never received a complaint regarding a harasser except if there is evidence to prove it. If you inform your employer of the harassment in writing and the behavior continues or the employer retaliates against you, you can likely file a case. If the culprit holds the supervisor position, just call a lawyer immediately, as employers are strictly responsible for supervisors’ conduct.


Sexual Harassment Attorney is a very communicative and reliable law firm. It is not what you would anticipate from a law firm. They put my interests first, and their transparency when I contacted them to ask questions was unmatched. I would recommend this law firm at any time and to anyone facing workplace sexual harassment or discrimination. Fiona A. from San Diego.

The attorneys at the Sexual Harassment Attorney took my case immediately and tackled it swiftly. The case was settled within one month, and I received the settlement I deserved. The lawyers have great communication skills, and I am very content with their work. Victor H. from Los Angeles

Calling the Sexual Harassment Attorney law firm was the best decision I ever made when I was facing sexual harassment at work. It was a pleasure working with lawyers from this law firm. They always made me feel heard and important. I cannot recommend this team enough. Bianca S. from Bakersfield.

The attorneys at Sexual Harassment Attorney are highly intelligent and experienced. They are great lawyers to fight for you. The Sexual Harassment Attorney law firm stands out as excellent and thoughtful. They helped me understand the facts of my workplace discrimination case. They are highly professional, resourceful, and responsive, and I will not hesitate to seek their services again. Brandon P. from Santa Ana.

Attorneys at Sexual Harassment Attorney represented me in a workplace litigation matter. They will undeniably fight for your best interests. They explained the process and legal jargon in layperson’s terms, and thanks to them, I understood what was going on with my case. They ensured I was notified and updated on the timelines and facts until my case ended. These lawyers are highly knowledgeable in their field and are aware of precisely what to anticipate and propose. The outcome of my case was satisfactory, and I thank them for that. I highly recommend this law firm for workplace harassment and discrimination cases. Jeffery T. from Riverside.

To the lawyers of the Sexual Harassment Attorney law firm: Thank you for your kindness, patience, and, most importantly, expertise in handling my lawsuit. I wish you more clients than you can handle. Jeremy W. from San Francisco.

Our Practice Areas

Thanks to our experience and in-depth knowledge, we handle many practice areas and have recorded successful results in all the cases we have taken on. All of our practice areas are listed on our website, and the following are the most common.

Wrongful Termination

Even though employers can terminate employment contracts for different reasons, some of those reasons could be unlawful under federal and California employment statutes. Most employees falsely believe they lack protection under the law if terminated for one reason or another. Should your employer fire you unlawfully, it can be considered wrongful termination. In this case, you can contact us to assist you in recovering damages like financial losses.

Like most states, California is an at-will state that permits employers to terminate workers for no or legal reason and allows workers to quit working for no or some reason. Nevertheless, an employer is barred from terminating a worker for illegal reasons like discrimination, being an alien, prior criminal convictions, exercising the rights as employees, being a crime victim, discussing work conditions or income, requesting reasonable accommodation for their disability, going for maternity leave, or requesting time off to perform jury duties or vote.

Nevertheless, the description of a worker in California is distinctive. Generally, someone is deemed an employee if they work under their employer's direct control or supervision. If a worker is an independent contractor and the employer lacks control over their work, they are not classified as an employee. Per California statute, only employees can claim wrongful termination.


Most employees hesitate to complain about illegal activities, sexual harassment, discrimination, or other wrongdoings in their place of work because they are scared they will be demoted or fired. However, the California FEHA (Fair Employment and Housing Act) protects California employees from employer retaliation. At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we can assist you in understanding these protections per California law.

Should your employer retaliate against you for exercising your rights per federal or California law, call us at 800-905-1856 to promptly set up a cost-free, confidential consultation. Our retaliation lawyers boast the skills and will guide you through filing a retaliation case against your employer. You may have the right to policy charges, compensation, and other remedies.

Hostile Work Environment

Nobody needs to tolerate a sexually hostile workplace. If you have been subject to unwelcome and severe sexual or gender-based conduct from one or several of your co-workers meant to interfere with work or create a hostile and intimidating environment, reported it to your employer, and they have taken no step, you might have the right to policy change, compensation, et cetera under the FEHA.

How do you identify hostile work environment behavior? If the conduct is one-time or isolated, it might not be deemed sexual harassment and, therefore, may not rise to the level of a hostile work environment. But if the conduct is pervasive enough or recurrent, you may successfully sue your employer for damages. If an offensive action or remark happens once and is never repeated, or a person teases, makes an indifferent remark, or engages in occasional rude conduct, you cannot file a hostile work environment claim. This includes relatively isolated and trivial cases of unacceptable conduct.

For years, we have represented clients throughout California whom other people have taken advantage of in their place of work. We are more than ready to represent you and urge you to set up a free, confidential case assessment with one of our lawyers without wasting any time. Call 800-905-1856 to reach us.

We have successfully fought for clients claiming offensive sexual conduct, such as visual, verbal, and physical behavior, considered a hostile work environment. We handle our cases on a contingent fee basis. That means you need not pay legal fees unless our lawyers successfully recover damages from the liable party. Compensation could include front pay, back pay, actual damages, policy changes, attorney fees, punitive damages, and compensation for emotional distress.

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

When an employer makes sexual favors or acts as a condition to secure employment, promotions, pay increases, or any other benefits at the place of work, courts term this as quid pro quo sexual harassment. It does not matter if the worker rejects or accepts these impacts, as that does not affect the unlawful nature of this conduct. If the employers’ demands are unwelcome, they are unlawful.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment entails the implied or explicit exchange of sexual favors for workplace benefits that might include promotions, time off, raises, not being terminated, being hired, a more favorable working schedule, favorable working conditions, and other benefits. It is also unlawful for retaliation to occur as a result of the worker rejecting these sexual advances.

We understand how challenging it is to address a quid pro quo sexual harassment case alone. You will need assistance from an experienced sexual harassment attorney. Expert legal representation is crucial to prevail in lawsuits. At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we have a proven track record of advocating for workplace sexual harassment victims. Do not settle for tolerating harassment just to keep your job or advance your career. Call us now at 800-905-1856 for a complimentary consultation. You will not pay any fees unless we win your case.

Whistleblowing Protection

Whistleblowing is when workers risk their job security by notifying legal authorities about their employer’s unethical or illegal practices. This might include exposing an employer’s unethical accounting, discriminatory hiring practices, sexual harassment practices, mismanagement, and safety violations. Employees who speak out against their employer to do what is right might risk penalization. Consequently, California workers seeking to expose their employers’ wrongdoing should contact an experienced whistleblower attorney.

At the Sexual Harassment Attorney, we can assist you in preparing for possible retaliation and protecting you and your job. The federal Whistleblower Protection Act and California law protect workers who blow the whistle on their employers. Despite this protection, employers still retaliate against whistleblowers. Retaliation might include a pay decrease, demotion, and even termination. We will educate you on your legal rights, and if you wish to sue your employer, we will assist in protecting your livelihood and career. Common violations that whistleblowers report include fraud, discrimination, sexual harassment, and corruption.

Gender Pay Discrimination

Too often, female employees are paid less than men. However, California has put protections in place to ensure gender pay discrimination does not happen. At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we are devoted to ensuring equality and fairness in the workplace and will strive to recover any damages that rightfully belong to you. We understand what California law says regarding receiving equal pay for similar work as far as gender is concerned.

Under the present law, workers must demonstrate that they are paid less than workers of the opposite gender or those of a different race performing significantly similar work. This could be challenging to do alone if you do not have legal experience or resources. If you trust us with your case, we can collect all evidence of wage disparity and collaborate with the justice system to acquire related documents.

We can also demonstrate that an employer never had a valid reason to pay you differently than the other gender. Lastly, we can negotiate with the parties involved to secure the damages you deserve. Do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation.

Racial Discrimination

Not only is racial discrimination at the place of work unfair and unethical, but it is also unlawful. Racial discrimination refers to treating workers differently based on race or racial characteristics. Despite this practice being illegal at the federal and state levels, it is still broadly practiced in work environments today.

Racial characteristics include, without limitation, ethnicity, national origin, and physical characteristics like skin color, accents, or body features. Racial discrimination can also happen when a worker is considered to be of a certain ethnicity or race by their coworkers or employers.

If you feel you have been discriminated against or harassed based on your ethnicity or race, we at the Sexual Harassment Attorney can assist you in standing up for your legal rights and filing a claim against your employer and any other perpetrators of racially discriminatory actions. Remember, you have the civil right to hold and seek employment irrespective of your skin color, race, national origin, or ethnicity.

Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Sexual orientation discrimination refers to treating workers unequally based on a certain perceived sexual designation, like bisexual, lesbian, gay, or heterosexual. Unfortunately, discriminating against people who identify as LGBTQ in workplaces is too common. You might have to consult a sexual orientation discrimination attorney specializing in employment rights for LGBTQ people.

Federal law forbids workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation, and California also makes this kind of workplace discrimination unlawful. Doing so would be a violation of FEHA, which makes it illegal for an employer to harass or discriminate based on sexual orientation. If you have experienced discrimination based on your sexual orientation, we can help you file a claim against your employer and recover damages.

Based on the facts surrounding your case, you may be able to recover damages for front pay, back pay, pain & suffering, higher income from a bonus, raise, or promotion, benefits such as pension and health insurance, legal fees, and attorney costs, and emotional distress. Call us for the expert legal help you require to tackle your case successfully.

Religious Discrimination

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that everybody in the U.S. is entitled to exercise their religion or have no religion at all. Even though society is generally more respectful and tolerant of various religions, it is unfortunate that religious discrimination still happens in places of work today.

Under federal and state law, an employer treating an employee differently or unfairly based on their religious practices or beliefs is unlawful. This conduct is deemed discrimination and may be the basis for a religious discrimination claim against the employer. Per FEHA, it is illegal for an employer to resort to unjust actions against an employee due to their religious creed, religious benefits, religious observances, religious grooming practices, or religious garments. Likewise, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids federal-level employers from discriminating against employees because of their religion.

If your employer discriminates against you based on your religious beliefs or practices, we at the Sexual Harassment Attorney can help protect your workplace rights. Call us now and fight back against workplace religious discrimination.

Gender Discrimination

Sexist behavior is discriminatory or prejudicial behavior against a person depending on their gender. Sex or gender discrimination often has more to do with power than sex. Bullying or harassing conduct is a technique for establishing power over someone else. Under California law, this form of conduct at the place of work is unlawful.

Workplace sexism consists of behaviors and attitudes based on stereotypes. Usually, it leads to devaluation or discrimination of an individual based on sex, particularly toward women, like restricted employment opportunities, derogatory remarks regarding appearance or body parts, decreased pay for female employees working in the same job position as men, et cetera.

Usually, gender discrimination is based on the belief that one gender is more valuable than, more competent than, or superior to the other. When it comes to female employees, sexist behavior typically makes them lose value, promoting inequality between the genders in wages, job placement, promotions, social conduct, et cetera.

At the Sexual Harassment Attorney, we help clients all over California fight gender discrimination cases. The California FEHA protects you, so you need not tolerate sex discrimination at our place of work. You can seek to recover damages, including front pay, back pay, reasonable accommodation, policy changes, actual damages for emotional distress, and punitive damages where your employer has violated the law.

Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy and welcoming a newborn are often joyous occasions. Sadly, negative stereotypes regarding mothers are prevalent in the workplace. Some employers believe that expectant mothers may work less and require more breaks. Others believe that a mother’s place is at home raising children and that a working mother is too preoccupied to work efficiently.

These negative stereotypes eventually hurt pregnant employees and working mothers, as they can result in pregnancy discrimination, a violation of federal and state laws. Your employer should treat you fairly and similarly to all other employees if you are expectant. It is a simple notion, but practically, pregnancy discrimination happens very often.

If you believe you have faced pregnancy discrimination at your workplace, your first step is to understand the state and federal maternity leave and anti-discriminatory laws that safeguard your rights at the place of work. Additionally, we at Sexual Harassment Attorney can help. Please contact us at 800 for a cost-free, confidential case evaluation.

Disability Discrimination

Workplace disability discrimination is very prevalent in California. Sadly, most people do not know they have rights under federal and state law and usually think they do not have an option but to tolerate the discrimination. However, as an employee with a disability, you have protections under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and California’s FEHA. FEHA is a broadly written statute that offers more protection than the ADA to California employees who face disability discrimination.

If you believe you are a victim of workplace disability discrimination, we at the Sexual Harassment Attorney can help you. There is no excuse for workplace disability discrimination, and we have devoted our time and resources to advocating for those who have been harassed, demoted, fired, or discriminated against in any other way because of their mental or physical disabilities.

Trust us to obtain the resolution you deserve. We have decades of experience specializing in workplace disability discrimination matters and have helped clients throughout California successfully fight their cases. We will represent you with ferocity and passion, regardless of how powerful or big the employer that violated your civil rights is. Call us today at 800-905-1856 for a complimentary consultation. You will not pay any fee unless we win your case and obtain the compensation you deserve.

Age Discrimination

Your age need not impact how people treat you at work. An employee being discriminated against because of their age is unacceptable and prohibited under state and federal law. Both of these laws protect workers aged forty years and older.

Unfortunately, some employers tend to discriminate against older job applicants or employees. An employer may need to retain younger job applicants since they will accept less pay. Or, they may lay off older workers first or decline to grant older workers any promotion or training opportunities. Some employers may even fire employees because they are old and approaching retirement. All these age-discriminatory practices are illegal, and you can file a claim against your employer if they have done them.

At the Sexual Harassment Attorney, we understand how challenging it is to work while feeling like your employer or co-workers are not treating you right. Your case matters to us, and we can help you obtain the damages you deserve if you have been discriminated against because of your age. Call us today at 800-905-1856 for a free consultation.

Call Us Today!

As an employee, you deserve to have your rights protected. At the Sexual Harassment Attorney, we can assist. We want to help you obtain justice. Nobody should have to deal with workplace sexual harassment or discrimination. Wherever you work in California, we will help you obtain the justice you deserve if you are a victim of sexual harassment or discrimination. Contact us today at 800-905-1856 for a complimentary consultation and case evaluation.

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Why Choose California Sexual Harassment Attorney?

Unfortunately, sexual harassment, discrimination, and other similar injustices are not at all uncommon in California. And neither are law firms willing to take on such cases uncommon - but, the truth is, many of them are staffed by lawyers relatively inexperienced in this practice area or run by people who don't treat clients with the respect they deserve or put their clients' best interests first.

We at Sexual Harassment Attorney are different. We have a passion for defending those victimized in the workplace on the basis of sex, race, national origin, disabilities, religion, or anything else. We see ourselves as on a mission to do our part to make California a safer place to work and to live, and to ensure that justice is done in regard to our clients.

We also understand and anticipate the types of invalid defenses often used against a sexual harassment/discrimination suit. For example, the defense may argue that if you were still able to work and perform your duties as usual, there must not have been any significant issue going on. But one's ability to ply on and fulfill his/her work duties while suffering harassment/discrimination is not a proof that nothing ever happened.

And another issue that frequently comes up is workplace dating. There is not law that says you can't date a coworker or that a worker and supervisor can't date. But many companies make policy rules against this anyway, because they know that a sexual harassment complaint might come up if the dating relationship falls apart OR that coworkers might file a suit based on the dated employee unfairly being treated better than other employees.

And a third situation that is all too common is when a female worker puts up with abuse and sexual misconduct of a supervisor for fear she will lost her job and no longer be able to pay her rent and/or support her family.

Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys have successfully handled all of these and other issues in a multitude of cases and won big for our clients. We know how each California statute applies to particular sets of circumstances that come up in harassment/discrimination cases, and we will know how to build you the strongest possible case.

Our Practice Areas

At California Sexual Harassment Attorney, we have deep expertise across a wide range of practice areas. We have successfully handled numerous cases in each of the 16 practice areas listed below in the past, and in others besides. 

Here is a brief overview of our most common practice areas, but feel free to explore our website or contact us for more detailed information on any particular practice area or on the specifics of your case in particular:

Age Discrimination

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Constructive Discharge

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Disability Discrimination

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Discrimination at Work

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Equal Pay & Discrimination Against Women

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Gender (Sex) Discrimination

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Hostile Work Environment

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Jokes at Work

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National Origin Discrimination

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Pregnancy Discrimination

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Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

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Race Discrimination

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Religious Discrimination

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Sexual Harassment

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Wrongful Termination

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Contact Us Today for Immediate Assistance!

At Sexual Harassment Attorney, we will quickly respond to your call for help. Contact us today by calling 800-905-1856 for a free consultation and quick attention to your case.

Statutes of limitations may vary depending on the nature of the harassment or discrimination you are pursuing claims over, but realize that the "clock" starts running only from the date of the last incident in a string of ongoing incidents (not from the first incident). This may give you more time to file, so on the one hand, the sooner you call the better; but on the other hand, don't assume it's too late when it may not be.

Contact Us Today By Calling 800-905-1856

We will give you a free, no-obligation consultation and can give immediate attention to your sexual harassment case.

Take A Stand

Call us now to determine what your options are when facing sexual harassment.
