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Testimonials For Our Sexual Harassment Law | Sexual Harassment Attorney

Misty N. of Bakersfield

When I decided to enter the construction industry, I knew that some men wouldn't approve. That's ok. I have tough skin. But when coworkers started stealing my tools, laying nails on the road in front of my tires, and cussing at me during every...

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Jamie D. of Redding

Sexual Harassment Attorney helped me win compensation for the income I lost due to a wrongful firing, which "coincidentally" happened right after I wouldn't agree to sexual advances by my manager. I didn't want to work there again, but I didn't...

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Randy A. of Fresno

I strongly suspected I wasn't hired for a job I applied for due to my national origin (Mexico), and when I learned of other immigration and race based discrimination in that company's history, I gathered the complaints of others to add to my own,...

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Jeffrey H. of Los Angeles

The hostile work environment I had to endure every day based on my religious views was intolerable. I finally decided to make matters right by contacting Sexual Harassment Attorney, which handles all manner of discrimination cases.

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Amy G. of Sacramento

When I saw myself passed up for a promotion by someone with much less experience/skills than I had due to a romantic relationship, I called up Sexual Harassment Attorney to file a discrimination suit - and won!

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Todd M. of San Francisco

Sexual Harassment Attorney helped me save my pension after I was targeted for termination based on my age, after working for my employer for 22 years.

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Jeremy T. of San Diego

After I testified against my employer in a sexual harassment case, I was targeted for firing. But Sexual Harassment Attorney helped me file and win a wrongful termination suit.

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Maria S. of Long Beach

After working five years at my company as a dedicated secretary, I was shocked when I was threatened with termination if I didn't go on a date with my new supervisor. Eventually, I was indeed fired for this very reason, but Sexual Harassment...

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San Diego Bankruptcy Attorney

This law firm is top notch when it comes to resolving your sexual harassment case. If you need a team of lawyers who will fight, you have come to the right law firm. San Diego Bankruptcy Attorney - Michael T.

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Super Lawyers Boyd Awards BBB Logo American Association for Justice Avvo AIOFLA 3 Years The National Trial Lawyers

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Call us now to determine what your options are when facing sexual harassment.
